Established in 2020, PennyCanny is the ultimate destination for finding the best deals and discounts on everything from fashion and home decor to food and travel. We offer a hassle-free, high-value shopping experience to online buyers and help customers save money on their everyday purchases. With PennyCanny, you'll always be in the know about the best deals out there!
PennyCanny brings you the latest coupons, promo codes, and offers from hundreds of top brands worldwide. Our mission is to help our users get the best bang for their money without spending hours online comparison shopping. We add thousands of coupons daily so that you can access up-to-date, valid discounts and promo codes that always work.
We are led by a team who is consistently looking for the latest coupons & deals out there so that you can enjoy shopping and save big!
Uzair Farooq
Founder / CEO
Abdul Mateen Khilji
Software Engineer
Muhammad Ahmed
SEO Manager
Memoona Tehseen
OPs Specialist
Hassan Muhammad
OPs Specialist
Wajeeha Zia
OPs Specialist
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